Try Something New

I used to be able to write a post on my web page – – and it would automatically cross-post to my Facebook page. Then Facebook took that functionality away. Now, I can only cross-post to a Facebook page I manage, and, evidently, I don’t manage my own home page. So, I set up a FB page I called – Jack Heneghan’s Page – (in a burst of creativity,) and now I can cross-post to that.

However, I don’t have a lot of people looking at my NEW page since no one knows about it. So, I will try to share the post on the NEW page to the OLD page and see what happens.

One of the reasons for doing this is that I stopped using exemplia gratia for posting bits and primarily looked at FB to catch up with other people. I didn’t really use FB to post items for myself, just to comment on other’s posts. I would like to get back to posting my own thoughts and to keeping them in a central place where they don’t get lost in a torrent of other posts.

It’s an experiment, we’ll see how it works.