Double Checking AI

Why can’t we run an AI check on AI output, asking it to evaluate the output for bias? It can review the output for racial, sexual, gender, socioeconomic, political, and any other number of potential biases, then put out a summary chart so you have overview of the inherent bias in the report.

You should be able to submit any article or post you are reading for this treatment.

Interesting, Word Press has added an AI Assistant to preview what you are about to publish. This is what it provided for this article.

The idea of using AI to evaluate the output for bias is intriguing. It could be helpful to:

1. Conduct thorough research on existing AI models for bias evaluation.

2. Collaborate with AI experts to develop a system that can detect and summarize potential biases.

3. Test the system extensively by submitting various articles and posts for evaluation.

4. Consider integrating the AI Assistant into the publishing process to provide users with a comprehensive overview.

5. Ensure transparency by clearly communicating the limitations and scope of bias evaluation to users.

The addition of an AI Assistant to preview content in WordPress is indeed an interesting development.