Making Light: Discussing Specific Changes to the Hugo Nomination Election: Another Guest Post By Bruce Schneier

Making Light has been discussing ways to resolve the DoS attack on the Hugos by the Rabid Puppies. This discussion is focused on the nominating process.

I am leaning towards allowing the nominator to nominate up to 4 works in a category, throw away the nominating ballot once 2 of the 4 have made the Final Ballot and putting the top 5 works on the voting ballot.  In Schneier’s formula, x=4, y=2, z=5.

There are a number of weighting methods described in Option 3 and discussed in detail in the comments.  I am still open to which method is best but I am starting with Option 3d.  I don’t think there actually is a “best”, but there may be a preferred method for administration and management.