An Income Tax Proposal

I have some numbers (rounded) to put in the pot.

$13.1 Trillion is the total personal income in the US.
116 Million Households in the US.
$53,000 Median household income. (half of the households make $53K or more, half make less.)
$3.8 Trillion 2013 Budget

Pay for the Budget –
Give all households a $53K deduction. – $6.1 Trillion
Total Income after the deduction – $7 Trillion

Tax Rate on post deduction income to cover the budget – 54%

So, put a 54% tax on all income over $53,000 and there is no more deficit. There are no other deductions. Simplified tax code.

And we can use the corporate taxes to pay down the debt.


(I hate it when I make stupid math errors in public)