COSine Was a Success

This past weekend we had our second annual SF convention in Colorado Springs, COSine 2005. We had Joe Haldeman as GOH (Guest of Honor) and it was a very good weekend.

Our attendance ran slightly above our anticipated 100 fans . The Consuite was well attended and much discussion ensued. The panels were well attended and the panelists interacted well together. I had a chance to interview Joe for the GOH Interview and it went off very well. We had favorable coverage from the local newspaper and a couple of the local TV stations. (Made the 5:30 News Saturday night.) The Art Show went well and there were a reasonable number of artists on display for the size of the convention. I think they did well in the silent auction, also.

If there were any negatives, one was that the dealers didn’t do as well as they hoped. I don’t know what can be done there. We had 5 dealers selling a variety of books, jewelry, and costumes. The fans didn’t seem to be buying this time around. The other negative was the weather. It was sunny and in the 70’s. Why would anyone want to stay in on a day like that.?