Making Light: From correspondence

Making Light: From correspondence An intresting discussion on Teresa Nielsen Hayden’s blog about what to call “Christian Fundamentalists” who don’t seem to accept the teachings of Christ. The Sermon On the Mount may be considered “Liberal” preaching, by some. There is a growing interest in ‘Leviticans’ since they seem to take their core beliefs from Leviticus. I am partial to some derivitive of Pentateuch, a collective name for the first five books of the bible, (should that be capitalized?) the books of Moses. “Pentatookies”, “Pentations”, “Pentatents”? Mosaics? Maybe something will come of it.

Whatever, these are the folks with the moral values to support torture, suppression of rights, and general warlike nastiness, if the Republican Press can be believed and it is the “Moral Values” that made a difference in this past election.