Dart game

I thought of a new Dart Game on the way home tonight. At least I don’t remember anyone else ever suggesting it before.

There are 20 numbers on a dart board, plus the bulls-eyes. Each number has an inner ring and and an outer ring worth 3X or 2X respectively. Take the scorecard from a golf course and shoot the par for each hole, 1 though 18. If par is 4 then shoot as many darts as it takes to make par. Do it in 2 darts with a pair of doubles, or a trip and a single, or four darts with four singles. Repeat for each hole . Fewest total of darts to reach par wins. In the event of a tie, go to the nineteenth hole. Most number of nineteens in three darts wins. If still tied, repeat with 20’s, then bulls, then double bulls.

What makes the game variable is the scorecards for different golf courses will have different par formats so each game can be different. A variation would be that any excess darts/points on a number add strokes to the total. So, if a par is 4 and someone shoots 2 triples, for six points then they would score the 2 points for making par in 2 darts and two more for exceeding the par by two points.

If I ever get back to shooting darts I Will try this out.