Category Archives: Politics


Paul Krugman mentioned this a month ago:

Oppose the Putin regime, and you’re likely to be imprisoned or dead.

Donald is learning from his master.


What do I want in a Republic?

What is a Republic?

A Republic is a representative democracy where citizens elect representatives to pass legislation to govern the nation, establishing the rules of law. The people are the sovereign and their representatives should represent the people. In the great experiment of the United States, over the centuries, we have begun to drift from the original representative democracy to where the representatives more represent corporations and moneyed interests.

In the United States we also elect a President to execute the laws passed by our representatives. The President is NOT a representative of the people.

I submit some suggestions to improve the Republic.

1) Each Representative will represent no more than 100,000 citizens. The current constitution sets a lower limit of 30,000 citizens per representative, but no upper limit.

2) There will be 6 Senators elected from each state. Each Senatorial election will select the top three vote-getters on the ballot to be a Senator from that state, with 1/3 of the Senate being replaced every two years.

3) No Congress critter may serve consecutive terms in the same office, i.e. Representative or Senator. (If someone wanted to be a professional pol, they could go on a run of Rep, Sen, Rep, Sen, Rep, and serve 18 consecutive years in Congress.)

4) Federal Judicial appointments are not for life but will end after 20 years on the bench or when the Justice turns 70 years of age or by impeachment.

5) Every 24 years, the citizens will vote on whether to retain the current Constitution. A majority vote will retain the current Constitution. A Constitutional Convention will be called in the event of a failure to retain.

6) The Electoral College will be disbanded. The President and Vice-President will be elected by citizens in a direct election.


This was inspired by an episode of The Thomas Jefferson Hour.

Getting your money’s worth

It occurs to me that people who make large amounts of annual income in the United States do so because of the general infrastructure that the US provides. All the way from easy transport, financial support, security protections, and a stable business environment, along with a lot of other good things. People who can take advantage of all these positives, demonstrated by increasingly large incomes, don’t think they should pay for it. Let the working stiffs, who are barely surviving from paycheck to paycheck, who aren’t benefiting from the glorious infrastructure that America provides, pay the bulk of the cost. This doesn’t seem fair or equitable.

Debating Points

I would like to see the Presidential and Vice-Presidential debate moderators ask the debaters about how they would move forward with:

  • forming a more perfect Union
  • establishing Justice
  • insuring domestic Tranquility
  • providing for the common defence
  • promoting the general Welfare
  • securing the Blessings of Liberty

Bonus points for knowing where these discussion items come from.

Heard from the Donald

I got my first note from Donald Trump today, asking for money. Actually it was a joint effort from the DJTP (Donald J Trump for President) campaign and the RNC.

He wants to make America Great Again. I already thought it was Great – could be better, but still Great.

Among the bullet items he highlights as Democratic goals are:

  • They won’t be satisfied with Obamacare until health care is 100% government-run.
    • You’re right. A single-payer healthcare system is the best one for the American public.
  • They won’t rest until every illegal immigrant is given complete amnesty and the right to vote as hardened, life-long Democrat.
    • I don’t see any problems with giving taxpayers amnesty. Of course, the right to vote is restricted to citizens so the rest of the statement is a blatant lie and fear-mongering.
  • They won’t stop demonizing their opponents until political correctness replaces free speech.
    • If we replace the term ‘political correctness’ with ‘treating others with respect’ then where’s the problem? Trump, for one, and others, don’t seem to know the meaning of respect and thus wonder why they are demonized.

From Day 1, DT is going to build a wall on the Mexican Border, and Mexico will pay for it to keep US happy. Some property rules Donald, you can build what you want on your property but you pay for it. Unless you are the Donald Trump who contracts for jobs that are done and then not paid for.

On Day 1, DT will end the executive orders that attacked the Second Amendment. I checked and see that Obama has called for improving the background check process, enforcement of existing gun laws, and improving the communications between federal, state, and local law enforcement.  I don’t know why he wants to repeal these.

He’s going to create GREAT jobs. He doesn’t say what those jobs are. Possibly he expects several hundred million Americans will become Corporate Executives? So who’s going to cook our food, serve our food, and empty the trash? You know, if you paid the cooks, the servers, and the janitors a proper wage, they could have great jobs.

“We’re going to make America Great Again by making our military so big, so strong and so powerful, nobody will mess with us.”  We already have the biggest, strongest, most powerful military in the history of the world. Nation states don’t mess with us. Guerrilla groups do mess with us. And being the biggest, baddest bully on the block doesn’t historically work against guerrillas. Generally, you have to you have to sucker them with kindness to make them go away.

Veterans have been treated badly under the Obama regime. No, I think they have been treated badly by a Republican Congress. I don’t see that changing under any president.

The liberals hate him and are about to unleash a vicious, brutal, and expensive campaign. (Nothing but the best for the Donald.)  I don’t think the campaign needs to be vicious and brutal, all they need to do is replay Trump’s past statements and make fun of him.   Oh, I forgot, the truth is vicious and brutal.

Then he goes on to solicit money.

In the postscript there was a bit “politics is a team sport”. Politics is NOT a sport. Maybe too many Americans are forgetting that. It annoyed me verily that the networks were covering the debates and the primaries as sport. Who’s up, who’s down, who slipped, who hit a home run. they are treating it like a horse race with many other sports thrown in. Politics is NOT a sport.




We have set up Trust Funds to help cover growth and costs. There is Social Security, Highway, Post Office, Military Retirement, etc. These funds collect money from use taxes and the like, with the expectation that it will be spent sometime in the future. It is setting aside money collected today to pay for a rainy day.

But Congress, in its infinite wisdom, has made the revenues collected and distributions part of the federal budget. So the money collected on the sunny days is counted as Federal Income and the money spent on rainy days  is subject to political debates, every time.  The Highway Trust Fund is a good example. We have gasoline taxes that go into the fund and should go to pay for highway repairs ten or twenty years down the road. If the Fund is On Budget, then some or all the monies go into the General Fund controlled by Congress and when it comes time to actually repair the bridges and roads Congress won’t provide the funds because it is not politically expedient to spend the money and increase the deficit.

Take the trust funds off-budget and the money in-out flows don’t count towards the federal budget. If the Fund actually needs an infusion of cash, then  Congress can debate if it is deserved instead of debating whether to payout monies that should already be in the fund or not.

Infrastructure support. If we build infrastructure we need to expect and plan to maintain that infrastructure for the ongoing future. Highways, airports, pensions, these are all part of the infrastructure we need to maintain the society we are building.  If we don’t want the building to collapse, with us in it, we need to keep it repaired and growing. Congress is not doing that.

Even cities and states should be setting up trust funds to maintain the public infrastructure of roads, sewers, water mains and public buildings. These shouldn’t be subject to debate every time a bridge collapses or water treatment plant fails.

Saving for a rainy day is an axiom that is based on common sense. It isn’t always easy to see a large nest egg being built up and not used when you have so many ‘better’ things to spend it on, but it needs to be done.

Take the Trust Funds off budget.



Amended Proposal(s)

I really do wish that they (the powers that be) would take social security income and outgo off the budget books.  In my earlier post I was talking about a $3.8 trillion budget, but 880 million of that is Social Security which is already covered by the Trust Fund and should be ignored for our calculations.

So let us use a budget figure of $2.9 Trillion

$13.1 Trillion in total personal income.

$6.1 Trillion in deductions.

$7 Trillion available income to cover the budget.

Then a 41% tax on all income over $53,000 will cover the budget.

Alternatively, looking at the 2013 budget broken out, if we take the income tax income – $1.36 Trillion ($1,359 Billion) and add the deficit – $0.9 Trillion – Then we need to cover $2.26 Trillion and the remainder to $2.9 Trillion is covered by the estate, corp, etc. taxes.  Oops, they are including $959 Billion of SSA trust income which is $76 Billion greater than the SSA outgo and we want to keep the SSA out of the calculation so lets add the $.076 Trillion to our total and we need to cover  $2.34 Trillion to meet the budget.

So a 33% tax on all personal income over $53,000 should be able to meet the 2013 budget.

I am using high level swags here. The $6.1 Trillion in deductions is really a worst case where everyone in the low median half is counted with a $53K income. A more realistic total deduction is probably less than $5 Trillion since the total income of the lower median group is less than $2 Trillion and the total deduction would be the $3.1 Trillion from the higher median group and the actual total income of the lower median group.

My google-fu is weak. I am trying to find out what percentage of the total annual personal income is for the folks in the  lower median group, and I can’t find an exact number. It appears to be in the 20-25% range, or lower. I saw one graph that might have been 15%.  So if the Total income is $13.1 Trillion the Lower Median total income is somewhere in the $2 Trillion-$3 Trillion range









An Income Tax Proposal

I have some numbers (rounded) to put in the pot.

$13.1 Trillion is the total personal income in the US.
116 Million Households in the US.
$53,000 Median household income. (half of the households make $53K or more, half make less.)
$3.8 Trillion 2013 Budget

Pay for the Budget –
Give all households a $53K deduction. – $6.1 Trillion
Total Income after the deduction – $7 Trillion

Tax Rate on post deduction income to cover the budget – 54%

So, put a 54% tax on all income over $53,000 and there is no more deficit. There are no other deductions. Simplified tax code.

And we can use the corporate taxes to pay down the debt.


(I hate it when I make stupid math errors in public)

Net Neutrality

I am curious as to what the powers that be are thinking in regard to net neutrality.

To use an analogy to the transportation system, the current internet is like a railroad network. Freight trains are loaded with containers destined for delivery to end users. When the train pulls into a railyard, the containers are picked up from one train and moved onto another train heading towards the ultimate destination. Eventually the containers get to the proper destination but they don’t necessarily follow the quickest, most direct path. The tracks are owned by various companies and those companies probably own the railyards their tracks lead to. (But they can’t own the content that is carried by the railroad, which is where the analogy breaks down.)

The railyard protocols determine which containers get handled and in which order they are handled. The new net neutrality rules seem to be allowing the railyards to revise their protocols to let some container shippers to pay for priority handling. They may even establish separate railroads just for the priority traffic and let the existing infrastructure muddle along, just like AT&T did with the telecommunications network in the post-war period.

This is a hard one to address. On one hand, the networks cost money to build, the routers that can handle the traffic cost money to install, the features cost money as well. If a service provider requires lots of bandwidth capacity and router ports, the user should be paying an appropriate cost. The service provider also needs to increase the bandwidth capacity interior to the network to handle the increased usage. So they should be charging the source provider enough to cover the bandwidth and equipment costs generated.

Most of the new internet services seem to be streaming video related. and with streaming video speed and order of the incoming info containers is important. If you could let your computer collect the entire stream of video before displaying it then it wouldn’t be an issue. But a lot of those video providers don’t want to let you have the entire video at one time. Why, you may pirate the video; shame on you. So they need to have your videos delivered piecemeal but in an evenly streamed manner. To get this requires using the prioritization flags in the Internet Protocol. And who should get those flags? The ones that pay for them.

What should not be allowed to happen is getting someone’s container dropped completely, based on either originating address or destination address. The ISPs have already been guilty of this (e.g. the early VOIP services) and will probably bend any new FCC rules to continue being guilty of this in the future.

The internet is a network of networks. The backbone networks connect to edge networks or other backbone networks to facilitate the movement of those information containers.  An intranet may be considered a single network managed and operated by a single entity.  As an example, the Verizon backbone network connects to the European backbone, to the Canadian backbone, to the AT&T backbone, to the Comcast edge network, to the Time Warner edge network, to the Verizon edge network, etc. (I am using edge network to describe the networks that connect to the users, both senders and receivers. Unless you are going right around the corner you will probably traverse a backbone network to connect with someone on the web.)

In my example I used the Verizon backbone network and noted that it is connected to the Verizon edge network. And in reality the two networks may not be distinguishable as far as routers or links are concerned. For Verizon it may all be one intranet. The edge network delivers content to the end users and receives content from content sources. Will Verizon provide better packet handling for its customers than it will for content coming from the internet?

Internet Protocols are developed and managed by the IETF.  It seems to me that government internet regulators should be ensuring that ISPs are following the internet protocols fairly, especially on the backbone portions of the internet. And I think the backbone portion should be regulated as common carriers.  The edge networks I reserve judgement on.




Personal Income Taxing

Our current generation has been borrowing excessively to provide a better society for Americans and little effort has been made to repay that debt. I suggest that those who have benefited the most from the growth of America should shoulder the brunt of the repayment. To that end I have developed a tax method to review. The percentages and dollar amounts are always subject to change and may well need to be changed in order to generate enough income to begin to pay off our debts. (Paying off the debt is a very long-term project.)

This is a fair and equitable progressive tax on income.

30% tax on income up to $500,000.
40% tax on income from $500,000 up to $1,000,000.
50% tax on income from $1,000,000 up to $2,000,000.
60% tax on income from $2,000,000 up to $4,000,000.
70% tax on income from $4,000,000 up to $8,000,000.
80% tax on income from $8,000,000 up to $16,000,000.
90% tax on income over $16,000,000.

Only 1 deduction per household – the median household income – ~$50,000 in 2014. – No mortgage deductions, no charity deductions, no itemized deductions, etc.


  • If your household has an income of $100,000 you have an effective tax rate of 15% after the $50,000 deduction.
  • If your household has an income of $1,000,000 you have an effective tax rate of 34% after the $50,000 deduction.
  • If your household has an income of $10,000,000 you have an effective tax rate of 64% after the $50,000 deduction. And you are still taking home more money than anyone who makes less than you do.