I am looking at this calculator and I know something important is missing. Then I realize, the average family doesn’t have to budget for Taxes! Incredible. If I have the time, I will investigate further.
TuxMobil: Free eBooks and AudioBooks for Mobile Computers
TuxMobil: Free eBooks and AudioBooks for Mobile Computers
Got to have your reading material at hand.
How to create mp3 audio books for free cheap
How to create mp3 audio books for free cheap
I suppose ‘free’ depends on what you time is worth. Might be worth trying for a long trip.
How to Make Rice Cooker Bread – wikiHow
How to Make Rice Cooker Bread – wikiHow
Elaine passed this on to me just before it was a featured Technorati page. The comments are definitely worth reading. I shall try to avoid burning down the house.
Doonesbury@Slate – Flashbacks
Test of the Press It bookmarklet
exempli gratia › Create New Post — WordPress
exempli gratia › Create New Post — WordPress
Adding WordPress to my browser tool bar.
ScribeFire Test
ScribeFire (previously Performancing for Firefox) :: Firefox Add-ons
ScribeFire (previously Performancing for Firefox) is a full-featured blog editor that integrates with your browser and lets you easily post to your blog. You can drag and drop formatted text from pages you are browsing, take notes, and post to your blog.
Works with:
Powered by ScribeFire.
Triumph of the Swill
I got this from Making Light. It resonates so well.
Hybrid Solar House
Dave Pogue, at the NY Times, wrote about an interesting technology. A solar house that heats and cools itself by having an atmosphere.
It seems that it would work well in our region, with 300+ days of sunshine. They are basically kit houses, some assembly required. Unfortunately, they ship the house parts from NC and I am in CO. I think the freight charges will be significant.
I like the look of the Aquarius design with the optional garage (gotta have a garage in CO). My one concern is how sound travels from the basement through the double interior walls.
Maybe if we ever sell our current place and move…
Arrrgh! They Got Me…
I like to buy books from QPB on occasion. They have an interesting assortment of some good quality (physically) books. I have been getting books from them for decades. Initially, it was all mail-order, but now they have a web site. And so I went to buy a couple of books online last month.
I think I was successful: the order was entered, I received acknowledgment, I even got a notice that they were shipped. Still waiting for them, but shipping books takes time. But that’s not where they got me.