I’m glad someone went through the transcript, it was a little too chaotic for me.
Why should we trust you?
Well, I don’t know.
Fair enough.
I’m glad someone went through the transcript, it was a little too chaotic for me.
Why should we trust you?
Well, I don’t know.
Fair enough.
I am trying to find out more on the nutrients in tea, since I drink quite a lot of it, and I am running into a confusing issue. My tea bags weigh in at ~2.2 g per bag. From one source, I am seeing that would be about 22 mg of potassium per gram of tea. So, 2.2 g per bag would be ~50 mg of potassium per bag. I have always thought it was supposed to be 1 bag per cup. My tea bag box says 1 serving makes 8 fluid ounces per bag. I stretch it a bit and use one bag for ~ 14 ounces of boiling water in my travel mug. But, I figure that I will get all 50 mg in my cup.
Then I come to a site like this that presents the nutrition information for tea in fluid measures. Here they are saying 100 ml of brewed tea has 88 mg of potassium. Does that mean they used 2 tea bags to brew 100 ml of tea? 1 cup of brewed tea is 240 ml and it has 211 mg of K. (K is the atomic abbreviation for Potassium). Did they use 4 teabags to brew a cup of tea?
So, if the tea bag has a finite amount of K and water shouldn’t be adding anything to the mix, why does a cup of tea have so much more K than the bag.
And it isn’t just this site. Most of the sites I have seen seem to have a lot more K per cup than in the bag. No, actually, they seem to be all over the place.
I had not realized that there are Fire Weather Zones to help isolate the areas that may be affected in weather alerts.
From a County Commission Ordinance I have this description for our local zones.
“Fire Weather Zone”: Any one of three fire zones within El Paso County that have been determined by the National Weather Service based upon elevation and weather patterns associated with the fuels and terrain located within these elevation ranges. These include: Fire Weather Zone 221, western El Paso County consisting of the Rampart Range and the mountainous region west of Colorado Springs and Highway 115; Fire Weather Zone 226, northern El Paso county east of the Rampart Range and generally north of Highway 94; and Fire Weather Zone 227, southern El Paso County generally east of Highway 115 and south of Highway 94.
Looking at a map of the zones I can’t tell if I am in Zone 221 or 226, since I am at the base of the Rampart Range. Either way, if fire is an issue in either of these zones I will endeavor to mind the flames.
Looks like things are progressing in Colorado Springs. From Gary, a friend-
Events for Progressives in Colorado Springs
Tuesday Feb. 7 10:30 at Senator Cory Gardner’s Co. Springs office
Tuesday Feb 7, 5:30 Together Colorado Springs meeting, Stargazer Theatre
Friday, February 10 Colorado Springs Feminists 7:00 PM
“Are Human Rights Women’s Rights”
Saturday, Feb 11, 2:00 PM First Strike Theatre at Seeds Cafe.
Tuesday Feb 7 10:30 AM- 12pm
102 N. Tejon Ste. 930, Colorado Springs, CO
Join us in visiting Senator Gardner’s office to resist Trump! We’ll arrange to speak with a staffer about what ever topic has your blood boiling that day. Last week we had almost 100 people gathered on the sidewalk, and cycling through the office in groups of 10.
While waiting for our turn, we’ll keep the street active with sign waving and Chanting. Bring a drum, a whistle, a small flag to wave, a list of great chants you have been hearing.
Tuesday, Feb 7 5:30 PM, Stargazer Theatre 10 S. Parkside Drive, Colorado Springs, near Pikes Peak Street.
Announcement meeting for new non-partisan Political Action group, “Together Colorado Springs” (TCOS). Founded by CS Independent creator, John Weiss and several liberal community leaders, the group planned to have a paid staff helping to get progressive and liberal causes toward the top of local agendas.
There will be music, powerful speeches and other entertainment. They are asking $30 per person admission, but also promising that no one will be turned away if they can’t pay that amount.
Friday, CS Feminists “Are Human Rights Women’s Rights”.
Hosted by the Colorado Springs Feminists 7:00 PM
Private Residence 2727 N. Tejon , Colorado Springs,
Why do we fight for “women’s rights” if they’re encompassed by broader “human rights”? We’ll kick off the second installment of our Discussion Series with this question, and peel back the layers of these terms and their implications. No need to have attended the first installment to attend this one! Optional readings to inform the discussion are below.
Optional readings:
“Women’s Rights are Human Rights” Hillary Clinton, 1995, at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.
“Are Women’s Rights Human Rights?” by Rosie Walters, 2013, available at http://www.e-ir.info/2013/07/20/are-womens-rights-human-rights/
Saturday, February 11, 2017 2:00 PM Seeds Community Cafe
109 E Pikes Peak Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO (edit map)
Co. Springs’ own “First Strike Theatre” will present a lively and funny show feature local actors,
and custom written songs to fit our current political mess. They will do 2 shows, 2:15 and 3:15 . The event is Free. They might ask for donations??
The event is to “Celebrate” the birth day of “Raw Toos”, a non-profit that encourages turning guns into useful items that don’t kill people. There will be two performances, at 2:15 and 3:15 on Saturday, Feb 11 at Seeds Community Cafe at 109 E. Pikes Peaks. Its a small place, so place to arrive early.
If the drumbeat of bad news has been getting you down, come to this show and spend some time laughing about Mary Springer-Forse’s unique way of writing, and singing, about our current mess.
I tried this out last night. It makes a pretty tasty 1 lb loaf.
As part of my diet plan, I have been food diarying daily and tracking weight weekly. I have made it through the holiday season but gained a pound along the way… But I’m glad I let the carbs back into the diet.
I have found the food diary helps a lot to keep me focused on the quantity, and quality, of food and drink I am imbibing.
Dear Mr. Lamborn,
I have been hearing disturbing rumors that Congress is looking to get rid of my health care plan. I would not appreciate that. I need affordable health care to survive in this world. And by affordable, I mean a plan that provides me health care for less than 20% of my income. (10% would be optimal)
I understand one of your compatriots implemented a pretty good health care plan in Massachusetts a few years ago. Romneycare, I think it was called. Maybe you should try rolling this out on a national level if you aren’t satisfied with the current Affordable Care plan.
I would also remind you of the Preface of the Constitution that you just read and swore to defend; one of the purposes of this country is to promote the general Welfare. I think a federal healthcare insurance plan would go a long way towards that promotion.
And, consider adding dental to the overall plan. I think that good dental health is important to good overall health.
Jack Heneghan