All posts by Jack


Vice President Cheney said that Bush had run on a clear agenda and that “the nation resounded by giving him a mandate.” Source: WP

Main Entry: man·date
Pronunciation: ‘man-“dAt
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin mandatum, from neuter of mandatus, past participle of mandare to entrust, enjoin, probably irregularly from manus hand + -dere to put
1 a : a formal communication from a reviewing court notifying the court below of its judgment and directing the lower court to act accordingly b : MANDAMUS
2 in the civil law of Louisiana : an act by which a person gives another person the power to transact for him or her one or several affairs
3 a : an authoritative command : a clear authorization or direction b : the authorization to act given by a constituency to its elected representative

Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

So indeed, a majority vote does give Bush a mandate, under definition 3b:, except that the President is not an elected Representative, especially of the constituency of American Voters. Representatives are in Congress.

But I think most people think of ‘mandate’ in terms of 3 a : an authoritative command : a clear authorization or direction. I don’t see where a 51-48 edge between some rather conflicting philosophies provides any clear authorization or direction. Of course, Bush does not need a mandate from the electorate since he has one from a higher power…

More Changes

OK, Elaine has convinced that I had too many colors in my previous set up, with the white logo, green body, yellow menu and wheat rap. So I minimized and went with green and wheat. I think it looks too flat. Maybe I need to change the rap background to a lighter shade of pale and leave the Menu and Logo in wheat.

Let me know what you think.

Four more years

Four more years of simplistic thinking, of torture, of theocratic thinking, of government meddling in personal affairs, of uneducated children being trained to support my Social Security fund, of partisan bickering, of hypocrisy and of discrimination. Hard to get motivated for tommorrow.


I went and voted this morning. I don’t know how they are going to keep politics out of religion when you have to go to a church to cast your vote. As Elaine said, it’s a good thing we live on the boondocks. I was #79 in my precinct to vote. It took 15 minutes, half of that time was in the voting booth reading the referendums to make sure they were still what I had studied beforehand. (There were also a few school bond issues that I didn’t realize would be on my ballot so I had to give them a quick read-though as well.)

The most agonizing vote today was the proportional allocation of electors. I am so for that concept rather than the winner-take-all method we have in most (48?) states today. But, unless it is done multilaterally by all the states, it doesn’t seem to provide a very effective political voice at the federal level. So I voted against it, this time. Plus, I understand there is some constitutional luggage with the Colorado amendment. The US Constitution says that the legislature is supposed to determine how the electors are allocated, not the state constitution, so this one would probably go through the courts for a while.


Evidently requesting registration doesn’t stop the spammers. I will need to check out Elaine’s plug-in she found.


I found another option in the moderation control that I am trying. If you post a comment, don’t put a lot of hyperlinks in the comments.

New Updated Trip Report

I ran across a bunch of pictures I scanned in 5 years ago, of our trip to Australia. Originally, I had created a really nice web site where I had thumbnails of each image next to a comment, in a table, and the whole site told a story of our trip. Unfortunately, the site was lost many years ago and I couldn’t find the local copies of the web pages, so it went away. I just downloaded the images into some album maker and put them out for people’s perusal.

I find that I am not happy with the Linux HTML tools I have at hand. Admittedly, it took several weeks to put together the old web site, but it had cascading styles and continuity. I was able to put this one together in several hours but it doesn’t have the look or feel I want it to have. I can’t imagine a web page builder that doesn’t allow you to insert a background color! It’s probably there, just not documented.

Anyway, the pictures are there to look at. We saw some beautiful and interesting sights in Australia, and we caught a few on film. The link should be on the side menu bar.


Today I am home, hobbled by a bad ankle. Not sure what happened, it was fine yesterday at noon and by 6 PM I could barely walk. The ankle just hurt and I don’t think I hit anything. So I figured to work from home today and then found out my remote access wouldn’t work, I think I used the wrong password too many times and the system has locked me out. I will need to wait to get reset.