The nightly feeding

I saw a very interesting sky tonight and after giving the horses their grain I went back inside to get the camera. In that short period, the sky lost interest and this is what I got.

Then I tried to capture the horses-

That’s Hap

That’s Rags

Magic is a bit tricky to catch, even with a flash.

But if you are suitably sneaky and can distract her…

That was fast

Elaine posted a link on how to use leftover Netflix flaps and I surprised her 5 minutes later with this:

Netflix Tray Origami
Netflix Tray Origami

I have a few extra flaps laying around.

I also wanted to show off my new monitor, a Samsung 943BWX. It has a 16:10 aspect ration and you can rotate the screen so you get a profile instead landscape presentation. Very neat. As you can see on the screen, I was able to get the equivalent of two screens of the origami instructions at one time.

Elaine was rather surprised at how easy it was to configure the X11 file to rotate the display and to have it actually work.

Note to self- don’t use a black-sided flap for the origami if you are going to take a picture of it.