Late Breaking News

I have more pictures of Scotland! I developed the roll that was in my camera and found some more pictures of the Pollok Gardens and Park. So, I added them to the gallery with the other pictures. I thought I had more shots of the Gardens than originally published.

And the rest of the roll was pictures of my niece’s birthday party at the Santa Fe Children’s Museum. I created a new gallery for her called “Santa Faye” (her name is Faye).

An interesting sight

As I left home this morning, I saw a gray blanket of clouds stretching north and south and as far east as I could see. To the west they extended to within a few hundred yards of the mountains. Based on what I could see of the mountains, I guess the clouds were at 8000 feet. And the sun was shining brightly above the clouds so the upper parts ofthe mountains were in bright sunshine. As I drove down the Front Range, I kept seeing the bright rim of light between the clouds and their shadow on the mountains.

Pity I didn’t have my camera handy to snap pictures out the car window while driving at 75 MPH. I should have called Elaine and told her to check it out.

When I got down into the Springs, the cloud cover was breaking up and the crepuscular rays were shining through.

Not quite like the other day where the clouds were laying at 7000 feet and I left in the bright sunlight and drove down into the cloud cover.

Updated Scottish Trip

I have set up the Photo Galleries to segment the trip into different galleries per sector rather than trying to cram them all into one gallery. So, I have the: St Andrews-Touristy stuff, St Andrews- golf, London, Glasgow, Worldcon, and Scotland.

Next I will put all the links into an html page and link to it on the side bar. As I go through the different galleries, I see that I may want to distribute the pictures better so I don’t have 70 pictures in one section and only one section in the gallery.

Compassionate Conservatism

American Red Cross
The Red Cross notes that they are not in New Orleans after Katrina at the request of the state Homeland Security Department.

And there are other reports that people are not being allowed to leave New Orleans on foot. No resources going in and no people going out. That sounds compassionate and conservative.

I was listening to an interview on NPR the other day with the author of a book on the Mississippi 1927 flood (or maybe it was this one). On one of the bluffs outside a Mississipppi town, everyone, black and white, gathered high and dry to await rescue. When it came time to evacuate, the whites were taken and the blacks were left. Evidently, the plantation owners were afraid if the sharecroppers were evacuated they would never come back and they would lose their labor force.

I wonder if that sort of thought is going on now.