
I have no idea what the title refers to. This looks like it was the failed start of a series. 3 episodes to tell a tale and then it is finished. But I checked at Anime Info and evidently there is a continuation the following year( 1999)

So what is it all about? The Kagura Security Agency takes on difficult cases to delete/kill/erase/eliminate Phantom Cats, often right under the noses of the Welfare Department’s well-armed Anti-Phantom Cat Squad.

What are Phantom Cats? Who knows. They can appear a regular feline domesticus street cats one moment and as teenage kids the next. They can walk through walls and reach into solid objects (like bodies) . Oh, and they can control/influence computers.

How do you get rid of a Phantom Cat? With computer-operated magical talismans, of course. Or special high caliber bullets, whichever fits the plot at the moment.

Oh, yes, Phantom Cats don’t like water, which is why a boatload of them are driting off the Japanese coast trying to smuggle in an atomic bomb. Then something weird happens with another plot going on in the background and the ship blows up.

And Phantom cats lose their clothes when they transform from human to cat so when they go back to human they are naked. But this only works if the cat is transforming into a buxom young woman. Boys and children keep their clothes when they transform, even they don’t appear to be wearing clothing when they are in cat form.

One of the main plot-lines here is that the Kagura Agency’s pet Phantom Cat is catnapped causing the Agency to work without pay and disrupt the atomic bomb plot without finding their own cat.

If this sort of inanity is your idea of good fun, please go ahead and watch. The artwork and coloring seem to be of good quality. The characters are retreads of some very strange series.

I will be magnanimous and give this a 3/10.