I did this sketch using Stampscapes images in my stamp journal.
Author: admin
Planner Hack
A few weeks ago I ordered some inserts for my new Websters Pages Traveler’s Notebook. I have a bad habit of not putting my cards away in a consistent place, so I have labeled blank artist trading cards on each side with the title of the card that belongs there. I have also labeled the long pockets that come with the insert for such things as washi tape (wrapped on an old gift card), post-it notes, and other loose items.
I did these tags for a swap on Swapbot: Tags, Tags and More Tags
Gelli Print Drying Rack
I don’t have much room to put down prints while they dry, so I bought three inexpensive pieces of foam core, and am holding them with a laundry rack that I bought years ago. I think this will work pretty well, and it’s a lot cheaper than eighty dollars for a print drying rack.
Wall Hanging
My sister made me this quilt for my birthday. It was originally intended to be a table runner, but I decided to put it on the wall instead. I used the triangle pockets method to hang the quilt.
April Showers Pocket Letter
The theme for this pocket letter was “April Showers.” I was pleased with the way it turned out.
Another Pocket Letter
This is the first one I mailed. I very carefully tried to protect it by mailing it flat in a large clasp envelope with padding. The recipient wrote me that everything fell out of the pockets in transit. So embarrassing. Next time I will use a number 10 envelope, and make sure the items aren’t so bumpy.
ATC Page in Stamping Journal
I sent the Artist Trading Card at the bottom of the page earlier in April. I started with an idea from an ATC that I sent several years ago (top ATC) and also included an ATC (middle with carved sun) even more years ago. Since I didn’t make a duplicate of the bottom ATC, I decided to take a photocopy and document what I did on this page.
Teal Pocket Letter
Washi tape, gelli prints, die cuts, ribbon and quilling paper.
First Pocket Letter
I recently became aware of something called a pocket letter, which is an ATC page protector stuffed with stuff. I’ve joined two Facebook groups which exchange and display them. This is the first one that I’ve done: a combination of die cuts, artist trading cards, and ephemera.