The only author I currently buy in hardcover, Lois McMaster Bujold, has a forthcoming book called Paladin of Souls, to be published on September 23. The first chapter has been published on line at Souls. Additional chapters will be added each week.
I am riding Lily in her Western saddle. Someone else was using her favorite pad, so I decided to see if I still remembered how to girth up this saddle. Lily was not very cooperative while we tried to take this photo. Usually, she stands quietly, but she started fidgeting as soon as my trainer pointed the camera at us.
Astronomy POD
The APOD: 2003 August 9 – A Perseid Aurora was taken in Colorado at Hahn’s Peak in 2000.
Late summer garden
My petunias and alyssum are doing very well. I’ve been surprised at how well the alyssum has grown: the plants were tiny when I bought them.
In Filters that Fight Back,
In Filters that Fight Back, Paul Graham suggests
One intriguing idea is to literally fight back: to make filters disable spammers’ servers by automatically following all the links in each incoming email. We may be driven to this in order to achieve accurate filtering anyway. Why wait?
And the battle continues.
Web Album Generator
Web Album Generator produced albums suitable for online applications or for bunning to CD. The output files include CSS and XHTML. (via Life of a one-man IT department.)
Coffee and Oranges Archive
I’ve spent the day loading the data from my Coffee and Oranges weblog archives into Movable Type. The format can be found at Coffee and Oranges. You can search both Five Acres with a View (this weblog) and Coffee and Oranges (my old weblog) using the search box on the sidebar.
Book Binding Models
Book Binding Models is a collection from the University of Iowa of various styles of book binding such as the early codex binding and monastic manuscript binding.
All My FAQs Wiki
All My FAQs is a selfhelp web technology resource. It has lots of pointers and essays.