Posting will be light

I will be posting to this weblog very infrequently for the next ten days. Do not, therefore, assume that I have fallen off a horse, or that any dire news from Colorado has anything to do with me. Although I may make a few posts during this time, regular posting will resume on September 3.

Now What?

Now What? emerging directions in multimedia is a free online magazine. Volume 5 starts a tutorial series on Computer Art and has another article on the elements of design. This is a great magazine, despite an eccentric navigation system.

Schooling Lily

I tried something new with Lily yesterday: I rode her with my jumping saddle and her current favorite pad when I schooled with my trainer. I don’t believe I had tried this combination on her before.

Trying a new combination on Lily makes me a little apprehensive. When she disapproves, it isn’t a big deal, unless she decides that something is pinching her when she jumps. Then she bucks. These bucks are more impressive when viewed from the ground than they are for me as the rider. She doesn’t crack her back and she bucks in a straight line, so it doesn’t take much to stay with her except sitting up straight and staying relaxed. However, I would prefer she not do so, not least because I hate causing her any discomfort.
Continue reading Schooling Lily


Bloglines is a web-based aggregator that I am trying out. So far I am quite pleased: it has a simple, clean interface, and a speedy response time. One nice feature is that it allows you to both import and export via opml files, so you can use it when away from your regular computer, even if you prefer another aggregator for your desktop. Bloglines describes itself as:

Bloglines is a server-based RSS aggregation system. Many blogs and newsfeed services publish RSS feeds, special files containing the content of the site formatted for easy parsing. Bloglines allows people to subscribe to these feeds. Once subscribed, Bloglines periodically checks the feed for changes or additions.

Changes to sidebar and elsewhere

I added a few additional Movable Type features to the sidebar. There is now a list of the various categories for posts. If you click on this category, you will see all the posts for that category. This way you can see all my photos at once for example.

There is also a list of the last few comments made in the comments section. This is to encourage people to make comments (don’t make me beg, people) and to remind me when someone has requested a reply or clarification. You do not need to leave an email address or webpage url if you don’t want to, though I would like to see your name.
Continue reading Changes to sidebar and elsewhere


The bed looks presentable now that I cleaned up all the weeds in the courtyard in front of it. Of the herbs, everything I planted has done well except for the tarragon, and even it has grown a little.