Walking the dogs

I lost Dudley for a heart stopping three to five minutes today. I have been letting him off the lead for most of our walks recently. He usually stays within six to ten feet of me except for when he will stop to sniff out the neighborhood news. However, he saw some birds flying up from a thicket when we were nearly home, and took off in pursuit. I couldn’t even hear him crashing through the trees. I wasn’t wearing appropriate clothing for bushwhacking, so I had just about decided to go back home and change into jeans when he came running down the trail to find me.

I haven’t been walking nearly as much as I should to meet my goal of thirty minutes a day. Lody has been a little lame, and hasn’t been keeping up very well. I have been afraid I would lose her if I kept marching along at my normal pace, so today I left her home and just took Dudley. I don’t think she minds, as long as I managed to keep her from noticing that I am taking Dudley. I slipped out with him while she was occupied with her breakfast.

Missing True Type

If you notice a slight difference here, it is because I decided to change my default serif font in the CSS to Times Roman because the existing choices sucked when I looked at my weblog using Mozilla under LInux. How odd that True Type fonts, the thing I liked most about Windows 3.1, is the thing I miss the most under Linux.

Otherwise I don’t miss much, though it would be nice to get my Palm synchronizing with Linux, and to be able to use the scanner. Since the scanner, flash drive, and digital camera are all USB, I figured that getting the flash drive and digital camera to work would imply that the scanner should work as well, but no….. Linux obstinately refuses to see anything as a scanner but a video card that I didn’t even know this computer had.

Response time differences between my old Windows 98 system and Linux are a bit hard to figure. Some things seem to go more quickly, and some things more slowly. This machine is fairly robust for a Windows 98 system because Jack bought it for multimedia applications. However, it is at the low end of what is supported for graphical applications with Redhat 9 Linux. I am starting to fantasize about putting in more RAM memory, but that way lies madness. I keep reminding myself that this is a five year old machine.

I love having access to a Unix type shell again. I had used a shell product called Take Command under Windows for year, but it had some limitations due to the funkiness of DOS.



Sunrise, this morning. Only Linux utilities were used in getting this image from my camera and ready for my website: gphoto (a bit funky, probably became of my camera dock, but it works), gThumb, and Gimp.

Lily – Another Mystery Solved, Maybe

It was a gorgeous early fall day, so I asked my trainer if she had time to school me on Lily. After some flat work, which went well, we once more tackled the problem of trying to keep me from falling back as Lily jumped small jumps.

I’ve been here and done this on other horses, without a problem, so it has been a bit baffling why I have been so stuck on this. I’ve had a longish hiatus from real jumping, so I thought that might be part of the problem. For a while, we blamed it on me using a dressage saddle, even though I have successfully jumped in dressage saddles in the past. And I seem to have found a combination of pad and jumping saddle that make Lily happy at the present. It just has been one of those minor things that was starting to drive me crazy.
Continue reading Lily – Another Mystery Solved, Maybe


I am exhausted from a day spent exploring Linux. For some time, I have been intrigued by the idea of using Linux as my primary operating system. However, I didn’t want to give up Windows 98 on my machine in case I decided to go back. A few days ago, I bought a sixty gig drive, and yesterday Jack installed it for me. I’ve installed Linux Redhat 9 on the new drive, as a dual boot system with Windows 98. Everything went fairly smoothly until we attempted to use DHCP when connecting the LAN. Nothing we tried worked, and Jack finally set up static ip addresses in the router so we could use them instead.

However, everything seems to be working now for my machine, for both Windows and Linux. First thing tomorrow, I will install Mozilla 1.4 since the distro we used provided Mozilla 1.2. Then, I will probably attempt to get Windows file sharing working using Samba.

My goal is to see if I can do everything I normally do on Windows in Linux, with the exception of updating the household accounts in Quicken.