October Sunrise

There are still leaves on the cottonwood tree. Unfortunately, this tree does not turn any gaudy colors in autumn: its leaves just sort of fade away.

An Indifferent Groom

It felt too cold and windy to ride when I went to the barn today. In all honesty, it isn’t that cold in an absolute sense, just when compared to the balmy weather we have been having for weeks.

The young woman who leases Hap is made of sterner stuff than I, and was riding him in the arena. I decided to fetch Lily from the mare field, and spend some quality time grooming her.
Continue reading An Indifferent Groom

Linux Learner’s Guide

The Linux Learner’s Guide has some excellent starter information, including how to compile your kernel. “Distrowatch”:http://www.distrowatch.com/ announces information about the various Linux distributions, and includes an article about good distributions for beginners. We weren’t too rigorous in our approach about which distribution to install: we just picked the one in the back of the Dummies book.