After two months of using Linux in a dual boot system with Windows 98, I decided I was ready for a 100% Linux box. Friday night, Jack and I went to a local store front that assembles generic machines, picked a machine, and waited while they installed the upgrades that I wanted. The guy slapped components in so quickly I wondered if the system would work when I got it home. However, the next morning, I quickly installed Redhat 9 Linux, which is what I had been using on my dual-boot machine. Getting it customized the way I like is taking much longer, of course.
Continue reading Linux Redux
Lily and Major
I hadn’t schooled Lily with my trainer recently, so we made tentative arrangements to do so yesterday. Although Lily seemed a little more alert than usual when I tacked her up, I was surprised when I mounted her and she felt as though she was going to explode. She rarely acts like what she is: a young half-Thoroughbred. I quickly dismounted and put her on a longe line and waited for her to turn back into a horse I wanted to ride. She would apparently settle down for a bit, and then explode into a fit of galloping or bucking.
Continue reading Lily and Major
Three Deer
These three deer were part of a small herd that Jack and I saw while we were walking the dogs this afternoon.
Morning Clouds
The Shifted Librarian has a short tutorial on how to get started using RSS feeds. She recommends “Bloglines”:, which I have been using for three months.
ReUSEIT shows many submissions of the redesign project for “”:, a website devoted to computer usability.
Pike’s Peak
Seen from Palmer Park on a hazy October day.
Ice Fog
Ice fog yesterday morning frosted everything that wasn’t moving.
Using this article on Icewm, I installed Icewm on my Linux box as the windows manager. I had previously been using the Gnome desktop article. As it says in the article, installing Icewm instead of Gnome was llike doing a hardware upgrade. Gnome had a lot more bells and whistles, but I didn’t use most of them, so I am quite content with the speed of Icewm instead.
Dreary Weather
If the dogs were kids, they would be whining, “but, Mom, there is nothing to do!” with our second day in a row of dreary weather. I feel a bit that way myself. We are all pretty spoiled her in sunny Colorado.
For the first time this fall, I saw ice on the stock tank this morning. I plugged the heater inn, even though it was thin enough the horses could break through if they wanted to drink. I am not sure it will get above freezing all day today and would rather no worry about whether to turn it on tonight.