St Mary’s Cathedral

Saturday, we went to the wedding of the son of some old friends, which was held at St Mary’s Cathedral in downtown Colorado Springs. The snow was very decorative, but made for a tense day, since at one point we heard a report that the freeway home was shut down with weather related accidents. However, after the reception that evening, we were able to make our way home without too much difficulty.


We are taking care of this year old pointer cross for some friends for a few days. She is a affectionate, friendly puppy, but an exhausting reminder of why our last few dogs have been adult adoptions. Lody and Dudley like her, but seem to be as appalled by her energy levels as I am. Fortunately, she was quiet in her crate in the corner of the bedroom throughout the night. More or less.

I just found her playing with my teddy bears.

Denver Art Museum

For her Christmas present, yesterday I took a friend to see “El Greco to Picasso”: at the Denver Art Museum. Tickets to the special exhibit were sold out, and I had purchased the tickets previously via the museum’s website.

The most famous painting in the show is probably Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party. I had seen many reproductions of this painting, but the reproductions lacked the impact of seeing the original, which is quite large. I can imagine gazing at it for hours, each time seeing something new. I also enjoyed seeing the Klee’s, Corot’s and the Van Gogh’s.

Afterward, we had lunch in the very crowded cafeteria, and then went to the Asian floor of the permanent exhibit, where I took this photo of the horse, carved in China about 500 AD.

Bathrooms, bleh

I am painting two of the three bathrooms in our house. I painted the third over five years ago. It took me that long to forget how tedious it is to paint bathrooms. When I painted the kitchen a very pale yellow, I had one full gallon left over, and we decided it would look good in our bathrooms.

Fortunately, I only have one more roller coat to go in my bathroom, and Jack’s bathroom is completely festooned with masking tape and newspapers over every flat surface. I think Jack’s bathroom will be easier to paint than mine, not least because his has a natural light from a window.

We are replacing the icky old towel bars and I have a new medicine chest to replace the mirror that used to be over my vanity. As always, I was relieved to see that I actually do like the paint we chose in the room. The old color was a cool shade of white, and the pale yellow warms the room considerably.

Jack’s sunrise

Jack, who is not a morning person, does not see too many sunrises. However, he had to get up early this morning for a 7:00 conference call, and called to me: “Get your camera, quick!”