Snowy day

I was happy yesterday when my farrier called and decided it was too snowy to shoe the horses here at home. It seemed too damp and cold to be standing in the barn holding a horse. I usually don’t feel I need to be here when she shoes, but I wanted to be here the first time she did Hap since he has a talent for extracting drama from every new situation.

Recent forecasts of snow have only resulted in one or two inches so I was quite surprised that we actually ended up with six inches. Aside from one quick trip to the grocery store, I spent the day organizing, cleaning, and nursing a beef stew on the range. The stew was excellent, and not harmed by Jack getting home a lot later than usual due to icy roads.


These deer were grazing in the meadow across from our house when I arrived home from the grocery store yesterday.

Barbara Hambly


Yesterday, I took author “Barbara Hambly”: to the airport, but first we went for a walk in Garden of the Gods.


Today is the first day of “COSine”:, a science fiction convention being sponsored by our club here in town. I volunteered to pick up our Guest of Honor, “Barbara Hambly”:, at the airport. I have been reading her books since her first fantasy novel, The Time of the Dark, was published, and am looking forward to meeting her.

Enchanted Ceiling

Those who read my weblog have probably gathered that I like photos of the sky. EnchantedCeiling is a menagerie of skies collected by you and your internet neighbors. (“via J-Walk)”:

Bathrooms, Bleh, Reprise

In Bathrooms, bleh I whined about painting our bathrooms. Last night, I finally finished Jack’s.

More than ordinary procrastination had kept me from finishing his bathroom. I had some joint aches this weekend, especially in my left thumb and elbow. Among other things, I thought the painting I did on Thursday might have caused them. (Fishing ice out of drinking buckets with my bare hands probably didn’t help.)
Continue reading Bathrooms, Bleh, Reprise