I’ve known about “Wikipedia”:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page for some time, but just learned about Wikiquote which is assembling a free online quote repository. In addition to a search feature, it has subject oriented pages for browsing.
Sunset sky
My farrier was here to trim the horses, and after I paid her, we stopped and checked my garden beds as I walked out with her. I hadn’t looked at them recently, because March is really too soon to expect much at 7200 feet in Colorado. I had wondered if I should start watering though.
We found lots of signs of life: the rose bushes look like they are alive, the columbines have little crowns growing through the earth and look quite healthy, and most of the herbs are starting to grow. I was most surprised to see that the dianthus (pinks) seem to be coming back. I bought them as annuals, and although some of my friends say their dianthus reappears, I had low expectations since our conditions are so harsh here. Of course, it was a mild winter. I am most excited about the columbines: they are the Colorado state flower, and gorgeous in their own right.
Right now, I am watering the beds, and day-dreaming about annuals. The salvia I planted last year did poorly, but the petunias did quite well. I am not too proud to plant petunias again. I could put them in front of the rose bed, and plant something else where I planted the petunias last year. Updated 2003-03-28 Changed peonies to petunias. What was I thinking?
Hawk Trading Card
On one of the discussion lists to which I belong, several people were discussing Art Trading Cards, an art form in which I have dabbled using my carved images. This one, of the hawk, is probably my favorite. I’ve put up a large image of of the others that I have done.
What horses see
I enjoyed today’s Non Sequitur which reminds me of many a trail ride on Hap. One time the poor horse couldn’t find anything better to spook at than a butterfly. (Link expires in two weeks.)
Happy Equinox
The Astronomy Picture of the Day illustrates the spring equinox.
Radioactive Boy Scout
At first, I thought The Radioactive Boy Scout sounded like satire when I heard a discussion on NPR this morning. However, evidently a boy scout set out to build a homemade nuclear reactor in a backyard shed.
In Photointegrity, Tim Bray discusses his philosophical approach to enhancing and altering his digital photos before publication. I’ve thought about some of the same issues, and, like Tim, rarely go beyond cropping and color correction because I want my photo to approach what I thought I saw.
All cats should have their own jungle.
Hoofbeats in the Dark
This time of year we usually feed the horses after sunset. Although we have electricity in the barn, there are no lights between the house and the barn. I know the way so well that it is usually no problem, even on moonless nights, to walk out to the barn and turn the lights on. I actually enjoy the walk, because I can look at the stars.
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