
We’ve been getting some much needed moisture, mainly in the form of rain, though snow is predicted for tonight. Unfotunately, with the rain, came a cold front. The horses have had enough warm weather to thoroughly deacclimate, and Lily got cold and started acting colicky yesterday morning. She was fine by the time I got to the boarding barn, where she was standing blanketed in her (comparatively) warm stall.
Continue reading Rain



This weekend, Jack and I took a quick trip to the area in Texas where we used to live. We drove down via Kansas and Oklahoma, and drove back through Texas and New Mexico. Despite the Kansas route being completely interstate, the Texas route is much faster.
Continue reading Texas


I took a walk with my trainer and her dogs yesterday. We saw some small white flowers and I mentioned I had never, to my knowledge, seen an anemone growing wild. Five minutes later, we found this little beauty. This seems to be the prairie anemone, also known as the “pasque flower”:http://www.und.edu/org/soaringeagleprairie/pasqueflower/, also known as the windflower.


The Baconizer is a cool tool that uses data from “amazon.com”:http://www.amazon.com to list the connections between two items. The connections are done by looking at “people who bought item A also bought item B.”


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On March 23, my youngest nephew, Laurie’s and Marty’s son Finnian, officially became a member of the family.


I’ve known about “Wikipedia”:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page for some time, but just learned about Wikiquote which is assembling a free online quote repository. In addition to a search feature, it has subject oriented pages for browsing.