Snowy day


As forecast, we woke up to snow. I don’t think we will get much accumulation today, but it should provide a little much needed moisture.

Fox Run Park

Although warm, it was very windy here today, so Jack and I decided to take Lody to Fox Run Park to walk, where we would be sheltered by the trees. This was taken from the highest point in the park, with the obligatory view of Pikes Peak behind the trees.

Despite highs in the sixties today, they are forecasting snow for tonight and tomorrow. Springtime in the Rockies is so much fun.

I hate Crazy Glue

Since I am the Official Keeper of the Household Adhesives, I have a small stash of Crazy Glue in my office. I seem to be Crazy Glue Challenged, so I rarely use it. Jack doesn’t seem to have the problems that I do with it. Each time I try to crazy glue something, I end up with it all over my fingers, and frequently without even having fixed the item that I was attempting to repair.

This time, my goal was to stick a pin back to a pedometer since the clip had broken. The contents of the tube exploded as I punched a hole in the end. (This may have been a result of the altitude. A lot of things packaged at sea-level expand at 7200 feet.) I frantically wiped the glue off the items on my desk with a paper towel, and transferred a great deal of it to my hands. I then attempted to fix the pin back to the pedometer, and succeeded in gluing the item to the desktop instead. At that point, I gave up, and went and sat in the corner. I would have sucked on my thumb but it was covered with Crazy Glue.

I knew from past experience (lots) that Crazy Glue would wear off in a day or two, as the skin cells shed off my fingers, but decided to use Google and see if there was a quicker way to rid myself of it. At How to Clean Anything, I learned that Crazy Glue can be removed by finger nail polish remover or acetone, its active ingredient. I keep acetone on hand to transfer laser jet printing for my eraser carving, and sure enough, it works like a charm to get rid of that unique dead skin feeling.

I threw away the pedometer after I pried it off the desktop. I can’t face taking its mangled little corpse back for a refund at this point.