The Writing Fix: Random Daily Prompt Generator not only has a random writing prompt generator, but has links to other daily writing prompts.
Front Range
I took Lody for a walk to the small valley yesterday evening, and took this photo of the Front Range.
YaGoohoo!gle presents a curiously familiar search entry box. After filling it in, and clicking Search, it shows you the results for that search at Yahoo! and Google in side by side panels.
Bunny Lacing
Everyone over the age of four or so knows how to tie shoes, right? However, a few days ago I learned about Bunny Lacing from Marn at Marn’s Big Adventure. This is a way of tieing the laces on athletic shoes so that the heel is better anchored within the shoe. I tried it, and it works. It isn’t even particularly difficult. (Read down a bit in the entry to find complete illustrated instructions.)
Tranquil Evening
We woke up yesterday to near blizzard conditions, but it was tranquil and still by the time I took this photo of the hills to the west of us in the evening. I tend to determine the strength of storms by how many of our neighbors’ houses we can see from our windows, and yesterday was occasionally a “no house” storm. Once, it was almost a “no barn” storm, when I couldn’t see our horse barn. As I fed the horses in the morning, I wished I could tell them it was supposed to be a fast moving storm. They didn’t seem too peeved, so maybe they knew it.
It is hard to tell how much snow we received because of the drifting: probably about six inches.
Browser Security Test
The Browser Security Test lets you know how secure it considers your browser and operating system combination. I think I found this via Lifehacker, a blog that provides a nice variety of tips about life and computers while managing not to hit you over the head with the fact that it is sponsored by Sony.
Carved Crow
I carved this crow image based on the photo I took a few weeks ago. I used The Gimp to turn the photo into an image I could carve. I’ve always wanted a turn-photo-into-soft-block-carving filter, and the new photocopy filter provided with Gimp 2.2 comes close.
Morning branches
The New Dr. Who
But she’s a girl reviews the new the new Dr. Who and it sounds promising. I was never a big fan, but have enjoyed the occasional episode. She warns that there are spoilers in the review, but I found them to be minor.
Scrapbook Quilt
Click photo for higher resolution
Scrapbook Quilts was the workshop topic for my stamp club this month. The woman who organized it is a fabulous quilter and scrapbooker. Since I don’t scrapbook and don’t quilt, I felt somewhat intimidated by the topic, but decided I could always watch the others work. (The organizer’s reassurance that it was just collage on fabric didn’t help either, since I don’t do collage very well.)
Instead of using small quilts, the organizer provided a selection of quilted fabric placemats that she had bought at department clearance sales. I picked the plainest one I could find, and started pushing Sizzix die cuts around on it. Everyone had brought lots of different items to embellish the quilts and we were all pawing through each others’ stuff to see if we could find anything that would help our own quilt. The buttons at the top of mine came from one woman’s stash, and the Scrabble tiles came from the stash of the organizer, who buys every Scrabble set she finds at thrift stores and garage sales. I didn’t finish mine at the meeting because I had a photo at home that I wanted to use, but most members did complete their quilts.
I know it doesn’t look completely square in the photograph, and I finally discovered after attempts to make it square, that it didn’t start square. The quilting seems to have warped the place mat slightly.
Although this isn’t my usual style, it was nice to do something different for a change.