I hope they get this wildland fire under control quickly. I saw the smoke as I was driving home this afternoon.
Out of Touch
For the second weekend in a row, we lost our connection to our wireless Internet service provider on Friday, and it didn’t come back up until late Sunday. Since we live in a rural area, our so-called high speed options are severely limited. DSL is not an option because we live too far from the central office. There is another wireless provider advertising in the area, so it seems to be time to check it out: when you are paying for seven days a week service, and only getting four days, it starts to get old.
September Sunrise
Google Blog Search
Google now has a blog search function. I checked, and both Jack’s and my weblogs are indexed by it.
The Scottish Trip
Jack has a complete trip report on his trip to Scotland which starts at his web page called The Scottish Trip. And don’t forget his weblog at Exempli Gratia.
Staying on a Horse
Lifehacker has some useful advice about Staying on a Horse. I like the tip about not gripping because I hate it when I read books and I find a statement about the character holding on by gripping the legs. Hap cured me of gripping when I was startled by bolting forward whenever I would do it.
The last tip is especially good: I have never fallen off a horse while following it.
The Nine Billion Names Of God
365 tomorrows has a short short story about Google and The Nine Billion Names Of God
Hurricane Katrina Message Boards
Yahoo has a collection of Hurricane Katrina Message Boards.
National Geographic Photo of the Day: horses
National Geographic has a photograph that looks almost like a painting of horses in Siberia.