Yesterday, I tried to update to Dapper Drake Ubuntu using apt-get dist-upgrade but encountered sufficent problems (couldn’t get xorg to run) that I fell back on doing a clean install from CD instead. Dapper Drake is still in testing, but seems solid enough now that I have it running.
Sassy at Abbe Ranch
Abbe Ranch, the setting for many combined training events, is one of the prettiest places to ride in this part of Colorado. On Thursday, I took this photo of one of my trainer’s students riding my trainer’s mare Sassy at a clinic there.
Sugar Frosted
Although snow in the middle of May is not all that uncommon here, I was still surprised when I looked out the window this morning.
Amazon Wish List
I thought about it for hours, but decided there is just no non-tacky way of stating that I updated my Amazon Wish List.
Hap and Rags refused to go into the barn this morning to eat their breakfast. This is almost as astonishing as if I had observed the sun to rise over the mountains. I finally haltered Rags and led him into his stall, but he bolted out when he heard the chain rattle as I closed the gate. Then, after a five minute slow motion chase, I was able to halter Hap and lead him into his stall. This time I was smart enough to hold onto the horse while I closed the gate. After Rags observed Hap chowing down, he finally consented to enter his stall, and I quietly closed the gate to shut him in. Hap stayed pretty focussed on his breakfast. Rags kept leaving his food to stare out of his stall, and galloped out as soon as I opened the stalls to let them out.
Hap losing his tiny little mind rarely surprises me, but Rags is downright sensible for a horse. They must have seen or smelled something very unusual to spook them so badly. And it happened relatively early in the night since there was lots of uneaten hay left in the stalls. Despite being less than a mile from Pike National Forest, we rarely get mountain lions or bears in this valley, but I bet it was one or the other that upset Hap and Rags.
Here in Colorado, we whine after the second day of no sun. This is the third day, and this is my official whine. It wouldn’t be quite so bad if we were actually getting some rain to go along with the gray skies, instead of just enough drizzle to lay the dust.
The View from My Desk
May Day
In spring, the sunrises become less extravagant, but the afternoon cloudscapes pick up the slack.
I had to take Mia and Lody for a walk this afternoon. I let Mia see me pick up a leash to put away that I had bought earlier in the day, and I find it almost impossible to resist a Dalmatian doing her “oh my gosh we’re going for a walk” happy dance.