I have been reading Techdirt,a technology news weblog, for years. It has a spiffy new look, and unlike a lot of tech web sites, I don’t have to install Adblock before I can stand to read it.
Category: Web/Tech
Upgrading WordPress
I just upgraded to WordPress 2.0.1 using the instructions at Upgrading WordPress in less than ten minutes and everything seems to be working. The real question: “Can I get used to WYSIWYG editing in a browser text area?”
I have been using del.icio.us as my bookmark manager for a while now. del.icio.us is a social bookmarks manager, which means that you can see the sites that other people bookmark, as well as your own. LiveMarks is a site that allows you to watch the bookmarks being added in real time.
Color Schemer
Color Schemer is yet another online color scheme chooser.
GmailThis! is a bookmarklet that allows one to easily send web references using ones Gmail account.
Top Ten Reasons to Switch to Firefox
LifeHacker has a list of Top Ten Reasons to Switch to Firefox.
Google Blog Search
Google now has a blog search function. I checked, and both Jack’s and my weblogs are indexed by it.
Hurricane Katrina Message Boards
Yahoo has a collection of Hurricane Katrina Message Boards.
Pasting Wrapped URLs
Use this tip to paste wrapped URLs in Firefox.
Firefox popups
Information on how to disable flash popups in Firefox can be found at Firefox popups | www.petebevin.com.