If you are tired of buying batteries, use these instructions for a Potato powered mp3 player.
Category: Web/Tech
Doctor Who Tardis 4-Way USB Hub
This Doctor Who Tardis 4-Way USB Hub is just too precious, even if you are not a die hard fan of the Doctor. (via Boing Boing)
Penguin Pete’s Blog – 10 Signs you’ve been using Firefox too long…
Morticious Thrind CLI
Morticious Thrind is a weblog with an interesting option for a theme: a CLI (Command Line Interface) that looks similar to a bash shell. The commands “last,” “prev,” and “next” can be used to navigate through the blog posts. Jack would love it.
bubbl.us | Mindmapping Tool
Gear Clock
I stumbled across this charming, though useless, gear clock.
Cliche Finder
The Cliche Finder highlights the cliches after you enter a block of text.
Classic 80’s Games
Miss Pacman? You can play it at Classic 80’s Games if you have Flash installed. It looks very similar to the way I remember the game, not that I was ever very good at it.
TheOpenCD 4.0
TheOpenCD 4.0 is available now, and includes a Firefox 2.0 and clamwin (a virus checker). I like to burn a version of this and use it to install software to those I know who are still on dial-up systems.
Unstoppable Spam
Most of the spam these days that makes it through my filters is of the pump and dump stock scam variety. Unfortunately, Net Watchdog: Seemingly Unstoppable Spam from PC World doesn’t suggest it will diminish any time soon.