Yego Hub and USB Drive

This evening, we wandered by CompUsa and checked out whether there were any real bargains. They remain awfully proud of their stuff, including items that show damaged packaging. Banged up items in dubious packaging are still not priced where I would consider buying them considering the no returns policy. However, we did buy two of these yego flash drives. One of the drawbacks of thumb drives is that they tie up a port, so these mini-hubs not only don’t tie up a USB port, but make a second one available as well.

Google Themes

Google now has a themes gallery for those who personalize their google home page.  The gallery holds both Google created themes and some created by other people.  I like the one of the world map with the current area illuminated by the sun.

Traffic Cams in Colorado Springs

I’ve known about the traffic cams in Colorado Springs for years, but only recently learned about the mashup which shows where the traffic cams are on a map: SpringsCam. Today, when I check the traffic cams at 3 pm the roads home were all drive, but they were snow covered and slick by the time I got on the road at 4 pm.  Fortunately, everyone was inclined to drive sedately, and I got in double the time it usually takes.