Muddy River

Muddy River has some “photos”:, including some “ocean scenes”: of a recent trip to Ocean City Maryland. This was a favorite family vacation spot when I was a child, though later I started going to Rehobeth Beach, Delaware instead.

Minor changes

This morning, I made some minor changes to my weblog, including a “Squidfingers”: inspired background that I created with “The Gimp”:

Cool Tools

I’ve been reading the weblog, Kevin Kelly — Cool Tools, for a while now. The weblog reminds me a lot of the Whole Earth Catalog in its heyday, both in its choice of subject matter and in its tone. One of the items today was a review of a pruning saw. We still have the one I used to carry on trail rides back in Maryland. We rode in heavily wooded areas, and there were always tree branches drooping hazardously over the bridle trails. I used the pruning saw from the back of the remarkably phlegmatic horses.

Green Flash

Sacred Ordinary writes about seeing the Green Flash. I’ve never been near the ocean enough to have much chance to see it, so I am very envious. I did see an “icebow”: one morning, though.

Daily Rotation

Via today’s “Langa List”: I discovered the Daily Rotation which acts as a headline aggregator for a variety of technical magazines and weblogs. It has some limited customizing features (based on cookies) but does not require a userid.


I’ve just installed MT-Blacklist from Jay Allen of The Daily Journey. I had been waiting until it had been tested a bit more, but two comments linking to pornographic sites in an hour changed my mind. The plugin was very easy to install and configure, as stated in the documentation.