Coffee Quote

It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity. I bet this kind of thing does not happen to heroin addicts. I bet that when serious heroin addicts go to purchase their heroin, they do not tolerate waiting in line while some dilettante in front of them orders a hazelnut smack-a-cino with cinnamon sprinkles. ~Dave Barry

Coffee Quotes and Sayings about Caffeine

Vista Performance (not)

I have had almost no personal experience of Windows Vista, and having watched my manager struggle with it on her laptop, I am quite content to keep it that way. Randall C Kennedy of InfoWorld decided to compare Vista versus XP and Windows 2000 on the same hardware and produced this chart.

Not only is Vista and Office 2007 the most bloated desktop software stack ever to emerge from Redmond, its system requirements are so out of proportion with recent hardware trends that only the latest and greatest from Intel or AMD can support its epically porcine girth.

Read the complete article.