I took this from with a friend’s iPod from the ranch where we used to trail ride. Pikes Peak can be seen a little to the right of the dead tree by the dry pond.
We use this barn cart as a rain gauge. Although adjacent areas were officially reporting close to four inches from the series of storms yesterday, I didn’t think we had received that much. However, this is the most I have ever seen in our yard card after a storm.
We also have a significant amount of debris on the road near our house:
Early on in the fire, there were rumors that most of the buildings at the intersection of Shoup and Black Forest Roads had been lost. This little cross-roads community is where the the Festival was held on Saturday. I took this photo of part of the burn area from the edge of the Festival grounds. If you were to stand in the middle of the intersection and turn 360 degrees, you could see burned areas in every direction. It was amazing that the firefighters were able to save the buildings, though as my friend points out, the owners of the buildings had done a good job of fire mitigation between clearing out undergrowth and surrounding the areas with open space and parking lots.