Toronto Islands
Category: Photos
Chapel, Toronto Islands
Fotolog has made some changes:
bq. From now on, once a free account posts a photo, they will have 10 minutes to review it, delete and re-upload it if they made a mistake. After that, it will “freeze” – and if they delete it they will NOT recover their upload slot – they will have to wait until the next day for their next upload.
p. Evidently people had been gaming the system to upload more photos than allowed for the free members who are limited to one per day. I have wondered how long this neat service would survive before it fell to the tragedy of the commons, and thought that perhaps they had reached their limit the past few days when I could rarely get a connection.
Lake Ontario
This photo of Lake Ontario from the Toronto Islands was taken from the path that runs along the shore. I was surprised by the clear water.
Recent fotolog
Please view some of my most recent photos in Fotolog: Hanlan`s Point, Toronto Islands , Irish , South sky , Late summer sunrise , and Misty Mountains.
Toronto Islands Park
On our last full day in Toronto, we went to the “Toronto Islands”:, a short ferry ride from a quay that was a short walk from our hotel.
Continue reading Toronto Islands Park
Midnight Arnie
I am the cutest, friendliest, most fearless kitten in the history of the universe.
Can you believe that no one wanted to adopt this kitten because he is all black?
Continue reading Midnight Arnie
Morning leaves
Dueling Hummingbirds
When the feeder gets crowded, the hummingbirds seem to spend more time jockeying for position than they do drinking.
The bed looks presentable now that I cleaned up all the weeds in the courtyard in front of it. Of the herbs, everything I planted has done well except for the tarragon, and even it has grown a little.