
My mother and her cat, Smokie, are staying with us while we wait for their furniture to be delivered from Southern California. Smokie came through the trip on the airplane like a trooper: the first cat that I ever knew who headed for the food bowl as soon as she got out of the crate after a trip. Most seem to want to hide under the bed.

All the airline staff were cooing over her, and then grunting when they had to pick up the crate.

Happy Hour


Originally, the dog run extended all the way to the horse field. However, sharing a common fence line allowed the horses (primarily Smoke) and the dogs to spend far too much time entertaining themselves by fence fighting. In an effort to save our ear drums, and those of our neighbors, Jack put up the chain link panels creating what we call the “buffer zone.” Occasionally, we let the horses into the buffer zone to eat down the grass, and a good time is had by all.