
This pansy is a survivor. The local bunny population apparently viewed my planting pansies as the opening of a new salad bar, and ate them down to the roots. However, this one has struggled its way back, and even managed to bloom.


I took this photo at the reception of a wedding that Jack and I attended on Friday. It was held at the Officers Club at the Air Force Academy which has very nice facilities. Jack and the bride’s mother used to go to elementary school together, so it is safe to say we are old friends of the family. We found seats next to one of the bride’s high school teachers and his wife. I told them that it had never occurred to me to invite one of my teachers to a wedding. His wife says it happens a lot. He must be a great instructor.


My friend’s cat Arnie, like many cats before him, discovers that it is easier to go up a tree than down. Fortunately, the lowest branch of this Ponderosa pine was close enough to the ground that my friend was able to lift him down.


I saw this rainbow yesterday from a house that sits high above Colorado Springs. The owners of the house generously host the monthly meetings of the Inkslingers, the rubber stamp club to which I belong. The members take turns giving demos and workshops: last night, we worked on fabric stamping a canvas tote.

Cute Chicks




For a long time, my horse trainer has wanted to get some pet chickens. Five days ago, she finally did so. Sunny, Cassie, and Martha belong to the breeds Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, and Plymouth Rock respectively. Until they get a little larger, they are living in a brooder in my friend’s garage. However, when she has assistance to guard against hawks, cats and other hazards, they get to scratch in the backyard. They apparently grow while you watch.