
We had guests for dinner last night: my mother, and two family friends from West Virginia whom I remember from earliest childhood. They own an apple orchard, and every autumn deliver crates of apples to people around the eastern half of the USA. Since they had already planned to visit Kansas City, they extended their trip to Colorado Springs to see my mother. (Driving across the length of Kansas is a true proof of friendship.)

I cleverly planned the dinner around lasagna, which meant that Jack did most of the cooking since he is the lasagna expert. I didn’t have to do anything but clean and fix the salad. As a bit of nostalgia, I found pineapple upside down cake (something my mother used to make a lot) for dessert. We had a great time listening to my mother and her friend reminisce about high school, including the time they ended up in a parade while driving my grandfather’s Model T.

Martha Stewer

Martha Stewer is the most opinionated of the three pullets who belong to my friend. (Every time I call them hens, my friend corrects me and tells me that they are still pullets.) She is also the largest, and the one you notice first because of her glowing white color. Martha doesn’t like to be touched or carried. She doesn’t do anything obnoxious like peck, but gives a running, indignant commentary of clucks when anyone has the effrontery to pick her up. My friend insists that she is also the most intelligent of the three, but then you aren’t working with much when it comes to chickens.

I am looking forward to fresh eggs.

Meeting in Denver

Yesterday, Jack and I met athenais who was making a weekend trip to Denver. We met at the coffee bar at the Tattered Cover, but decided it was too crowded for easy conversation and adjourned to a nearby pub. Jack and I first met athenais at a party in Maryland, and some time was devoted to figuring out where exactly that was. It was over two decades ago, so fuzziness on the details can be excused. We had the server take several photos of our groups, which included the friends with whom athenais was staying, but only this one by koroshiya turned out well.

A Good Thing

hay in barn

I always feel pleased after a delivery from our hay supplier, when the empty hay aisle is filled with sweet smelling green bales. We buy from a supplier who stacks the hay for us. The guys who delivered it this time were new and inclined to whimper when I insisted that ninety bales of hay had always fit before. The hay has be stacked carefully so we can still get through the doors in the back of the stalls to feed the horses.