Hummingbird Bar

April 29, 2007 – Click on image for higher resolution version.

I set up the hummingbird feeders on Thursday, and it took approximately 20 minutes for the first hummingbird to visit. However, it wasn’t until yesterday that business was brisk enough that I started seeing tiny aerial dog-fights as one hummingbird would chase away another.

Young Chicks

April 12, 2007 – Click on image for higher resolution version.

Since the forecast snow storm made me reluctant to go over and check out her chicks, my friend sent me their photo. They are approximately two days old. Their names are Nugget (hard to see), Sunny II, and Marsala. (Sunny II is a Buff Orpington to replace the hen that died this past winter.) Nugget is a Plymouth Barred Rock, and Marsala is a Araucana. When they are old enough to hold their own, they will join Martha and Cassie in the chicken coop. For now, they are under a heat lamp in the garage.