Category: Background
May Moon
I put two new hummingbird feeders up Wednesday morning at 8:00 am and observed the first hummer at 9:30 am. Last night, as I took this photo, I saw four or five at a time. I like this design of feeder: a funnel is not required to fill it.
T. Rex
Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center
I went to the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center in Woodland Park with a friend today. I could have spent a lot more time, if we hadn’t left dogs at home in crates. I was pleased that allowed photography inside, even with a flash in most areas. I loved this restoration, which looks more like modern art than a fossile.
After Sunrise
Lily and Lightning
Lily and Lightning, who belonged to Jack’s sister and her family, joined our family today. Changes to their lifestyle, including our nephew going away to college and their move to a small house near downtown Denver, made them decide that it wasn’t fair to the two dogs to leave them locked in the house for long periods of time. Lily and Lightning have been paying us visits for years, so the transition should be smooth.
Happy Horses
Full Size 1200×798
This was their first time in the new field in months.
Early Morn
Venus and the Moon
Venus is about to be hidden by the moon.