Two Weeks Ago


Day two of the Black Forest Fire I went to my friend’s to help evacuate chickens and also pick up some hay for her horses we were keeping at our place.  This was the view from her back yard. Her place was about a mile due south of the start of the fire, and we were obviously concerned what might happen if the wind shifted to the north.

Rain, Sweet Rain


Quite a difference from the photo I took from the same spot six days ago.  The Black Forest Fire is 75% contained as I post this.  Our house guests have returned home.

Unfortunately, the area is still considered under severe drought, and it will take more than a couple of days of occasional showers to fix.  We are supposed to be getting hotter and drier weather again in a day or so.



Rion went to the Bad Place (aka the groomer’s) on Friday.  What with one thing and another, this is the longest he had gone without grooming since he was a puppy. (The downside of a dog that doesn’t shed is that they have to be groomed regularly.)  I had forgotten what a trim dog was underneath all the fluff.  He looked like a 1970’s shag carpet.  Oddly enough, although he was shaking when I parked the car at the Bad Place, he followed quite readily into the anteroom.  Then he planted his butt looking dreadfully pathetic until the groomer scooped him up and carried him off.