A few weekends ago, Jack and I used a friend’s pickup truck to take some yard tree trimmings to the county slash and mulch site. A volunteer is helping Jack, who is wearing his sun / dust protective gear, unload the truck.
Category: Background
“I wonder where…
…that rattlesnake went.”
Four weeks ago, Bandit was bitten by a large rattlesnake when Jack was walking him in the late afternoon. With a lot of superb, and expensive, veterinary care, he made a complete recovery. Last night, I took him for his first walk since he was injured. We stayed far away from any areas that might harbor rattlesnakes. This the the first time that I had ever taken him for a walk, and he behaved better than I expected. He is a thirty pound dog with sixty pounds of pull when he gets excited, but he was calm except when a runner went by practicing uphill sprints. Bandit thought running with the guy would be a lot more exciting than the brisk walk I was trying to maintain.
Elk In Snow
April Snowstorm
It was hard to take the forecasters seriously when they predicted 12 to 24 inches of snow this weekend. I had a serious challenge getting the dogs to go outside to go potty this morning. Jack and I together managed to dig a path to an area where the snow had blown almost clear. As of 9:00 am Sunday morning it was still snowing, though overhead the sun was starting to become visible.
April Sunrise
Spring Snow Storm
We had to shovel a path to get the dogs through the drift by the outside door so the dogs could get to the “potty yard.” We’ll probably have to shovel again twice more before the storm is due to let up. This is a heavy, wet snow with lots of wind so I occasionally hear the UPS click due to what I presume are power surges. The visibility is quite limited but not whiteout, unlike some of the surrounding areas.