Six Years Old

Six years ago, Rion was born in the foster care program of Pikes Peak Humane Society. Eight weeks later, on a cold December evening, he joined our family.Rion's First NightThis photo shows him on his first night with us, when he was rather apprehensive. However, within a day or so, he decided that Rion Rules! an attitude he has never lost.


Black Forest Regional Park

Black Forest Regional ParkYesterday a friend and I took our dogs to Black Forest Regional Park.  As seen in this photo, BFRP was mostly charred by the 2013 Black Forest wild fire, which started several hundred feet outside the park boundaries. Despite this, we had a lovely walk under cloudy skies, looking at the wild-flowers and Pikes Peak in the distance.


Black Forest Regional Park

Black Forest Regional ParkMonday, a friend and I took our dogs to the Black Forest Regional Park. The park is adjacent to the subdivision where the Black Forest Fire of 2013 started and 74% of the park timber burned in that fire. It was closed until fairly recently until walking trails could be made safe for the public.  Pikes Peak is hidden by the burnt, twisted pine.





Here is photographic evidence that I gave Rion his new toy, as instructed.  He played with it for a while, then took it into his crate to use it as a pillow.  Rion is the first dog we’ve had that both plays with his toys, and doesn’t destroy them within fifteen minutes of acquisition.