Kristi has earth mandalas made from photographs using a similar process to some I made a few months ago. Kristi, a Colorado artist, also has information about carving, altered books, and art journals.
Author: Elaine
We call Indy the miracle horse of the barn. In horses, Indy’s color is called grulla, a form of the dun color. He has the dorsal stripe, and you can occasionally see faint stripes that run at right angles to the dorsal stripe.
Continue reading Indy
You can find anything …
You can find almost anything on the WWW. Yesterday, I was reading someone’s weblog and they mentioned the Commodore 64. This was not our first computer, but our second, after a VIC-20. We used it several years, before getting an XT, and passing the C-64, along with its software, to Jack’s youngest brother.
Continue reading You can find anything …
The past few times I have cleaned house, or attempted to, I have wondered whether I am getting too fussy. The vacuum cleaner just didn’t seem to be picking stuff up like it should. Surely it had worked better in the past. I changed the bag, and the suction from the hose (which can be removed and used independently) seemed to be working just fine. I turned it over and attempted to clean out the intake, which did not seem to be fouled. I noticed a lock, and removed the bottom plate. A belt fell out. The rubber band that makes the beater turn had broken. Today’s quest will be to find the belt. Jack says that he had run into the problem once before.
It is impossible to get up hair when the beater doesn’t work. And the two dogs shed a lot of hair.
Quick Color
QuickColor is a Flash utility for finding complementary color schemes. (via J-Walk).
The relationship between dogs and people
A Boston Globe discusses current literatures about our relationship with dogs. Are human beings the ecological niche that dogs have evolved to exploit?
I saw Seabiscuit with friends yesterday, and loved it. “Equidaily Racing Journal”: has pointers to articles all over the web. A “Washington Post article”:¬Found=true talks about Laura Hillenbrand, the author of the book. An “SFGate article”: discusses how Seabiscuit ranks among racing greats such as Man of War and Secretariat. The New York Times has an “archive”: of Seabiscuit stories, including the article proclaiming his victory over War Admiral.
Cracker Jack
CJ, a small gray Arab, approaches a cross rail.
Paladin of Souls
The only author I currently buy in hardcover, Lois McMaster Bujold, has a forthcoming book called Paladin of Souls, to be published on September 23. The first chapter has been published on line at Souls. Additional chapters will be added each week.
I am riding Lily in her Western saddle. Someone else was using her favorite pad, so I decided to see if I still remembered how to girth up this saddle. Lily was not very cooperative while we tried to take this photo. Usually, she stands quietly, but she started fidgeting as soon as my trainer pointed the camera at us.