The carpet in the hall has been a big hit with the dogs. I don’t think they approved when we replaced the wall to wall with wood flooring.
Author: Elaine
Painting and Party
Painting the kitchen went well. My friend showed up at noon Friday with soup and a plan. She didn’t think I had blocked enough areas with making tape so we did that first. Then we spent the next few hours trading brush and roller until we completed the first coat. The biggest area was the ceiling which we did mainly with the roller. The rest of the room required careful work around the counters and cabinets. It is a very pale shade of yellow now. It is not a big difference from the old off-white, but looks fresh and clean.
Continue reading Painting and Party
Living as we do at one end of a valley which runs east to west, the apparent movement of the sunrise along the horizon is very evident. At the time of year, the sunrise is centered between the ridge to the north of the valley and the ridge on the south side of the valley.
Stupid Horse Tricks
Well, we have another one to add to the list, which includes the morning Hap snuck behind me and ended up with his foot caught in a pallet, and the evening Smoke folded a gate in half.
Continue reading Stupid Horse Tricks
I had noticed that Anita hadn’t been updating her Home Page as much as usual and had stopped checking it every day. Unfortunately, the cause was some serious health problems, which she wrote about in her weblog on Ocotber 15. I hope she makes a speedy recovery from her surgery and is soon back to posting regularly.
I am going to paint the kitchen. A friend, who loves to paint, will be coming over to help tomorrow. Knowing this is very useful, since it will inspire me to get the prep work done today, which is seventy per cent of the battle.
Linux Update
It has been about a month since I started using Linux (in the form of Red Hat 9) as my everyday operating system.
I had been a reasonably happy Windows user for years, ever since Windows 3.1. However, I have long been concerned with the direction that Microsoft is taking with both licensing and digital rights management in their software. As a result, I have been reluctant to upgrade from Windows 98, or purchase a machine with a modern Microsoft operating system installed. For several years now, I have been following the progress made by GNU/Linux on the desktop, wondering if it would ever provide the functionality I want in my primary computer.
Continue reading Linux Update
October Sunrise
There are still leaves on the cottonwood tree. Unfortunately, this tree does not turn any gaudy colors in autumn: its leaves just sort of fade away.
An Indifferent Groom
It felt too cold and windy to ride when I went to the barn today. In all honesty, it isn’t that cold in an absolute sense, just when compared to the balmy weather we have been having for weeks.
The young woman who leases Hap is made of sterner stuff than I, and was riding him in the arena. I decided to fetch Lily from the mare field, and spend some quality time grooming her.
Continue reading An Indifferent Groom
Helen Hunt Falls
Yet another view of the falls.