It had mostly burned off by late morning, though I still saw a few patches of snow when I took Dudley for a walk in the afternoon. The high was about 40F today, which seemed cold considering several days ago the highs were around 80F.
Author: Elaine
My Linux desktop looks much like any other Graphical User Interface. Actually, my monitor rarely looks like this, because the window manager has four presentation spaces, and I usually dedicate a different function to each space so I don’t have this sort of visual clutter.
Convention gear
Jack is wearing his hat for “MileHiCon”:, a science fiction convention being held in Denver this weekend.
Daily Rotation
Via today’s “Langa List”: I discovered the Daily Rotation which acts as a headline aggregator for a variety of technical magazines and weblogs. It has some limited customizing features (based on cookies) but does not require a userid.
I’ve just installed MT-Blacklist from Jay Allen of The Daily Journey. I had been waiting until it had been tested a bit more, but two comments linking to pornographic sites in an hour changed my mind. The plugin was very easy to install and configure, as stated in the documentation.
A List Apart
A List Apart, an online magazine devoted to web design, is back with a new design and three new articles. The new design is very pleasant with subtle earthtones.
The carpet in the hall has been a big hit with the dogs. I don’t think they approved when we replaced the wall to wall with wood flooring.
Painting and Party
Painting the kitchen went well. My friend showed up at noon Friday with soup and a plan. She didn’t think I had blocked enough areas with making tape so we did that first. Then we spent the next few hours trading brush and roller until we completed the first coat. The biggest area was the ceiling which we did mainly with the roller. The rest of the room required careful work around the counters and cabinets. It is a very pale shade of yellow now. It is not a big difference from the old off-white, but looks fresh and clean.
Continue reading Painting and Party
Living as we do at one end of a valley which runs east to west, the apparent movement of the sunrise along the horizon is very evident. At the time of year, the sunrise is centered between the ridge to the north of the valley and the ridge on the south side of the valley.
Stupid Horse Tricks
Well, we have another one to add to the list, which includes the morning Hap snuck behind me and ended up with his foot caught in a pallet, and the evening Smoke folded a gate in half.
Continue reading Stupid Horse Tricks