I had an unscheduled half hour to spare yesterday, and since I was in the neighborhood I decided to check out “Palmer Park”:http://www.ccss-online.org/html/palmer-park.html.
Author: Elaine
California on fire
“At loss for words”:http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/object.cgi?object=/chronicle/pictures/2003/10/28/mn_satellitefires_ap.jpg&paper=chronicle&file=FIRE.TMP&directory=/c/a/2003/10/28&type=news via “Making Light.”:http://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/
Vegetable Empire
While looking for some information about how perl scopes variables, I found Steve’s place- Vegetable Empire, an entertaining page which includes information about carnivorous plants and other oddities. The page about the plants will take a while to load if you are on a slow connection. His perl tutorials also look excellent.
Two Crows Joy
This was not a great morning to wake up early. I woke at three, and felt very awake. Finally, after tossing and turning for a while, I decided to get up. It wasn’t until I looked at my computer that I remembered the time change, making it even earlier than I thought. It will be a struggle to stay up until nine tonight. I did look out the window to see if I could see the Northern Lights, but no such luck.
It was a little windy this morning, but sufficiently pleasant that I took Dudley out for a walk at nine while the horses ate breakfast. We saw deer and Dudley briefly chased them without much conviction that he could catch them. While we were up on the plateau behind our house, I saw two large crows flying together in the wind. They took turns dodging into each other, for all the world like kids playing chicken. Made you jump!
I don’t know if they were fighting or playing some weird corvine game.
First Snow
It had mostly burned off by late morning, though I still saw a few patches of snow when I took Dudley for a walk in the afternoon. The high was about 40F today, which seemed cold considering several days ago the highs were around 80F.
My Linux desktop looks much like any other Graphical User Interface. Actually, my monitor rarely looks like this, because the window manager has four presentation spaces, and I usually dedicate a different function to each space so I don’t have this sort of visual clutter.
Convention gear
Jack is wearing his hat for “MileHiCon”:http://www.milehicon.org/, a science fiction convention being held in Denver this weekend.
Daily Rotation
Via today’s “Langa List”:http://www.langa.com I discovered the Daily Rotation which acts as a headline aggregator for a variety of technical magazines and weblogs. It has some limited customizing features (based on cookies) but does not require a userid.
I’ve just installed MT-Blacklist from Jay Allen of The Daily Journey. I had been waiting until it had been tested a bit more, but two comments linking to pornographic sites in an hour changed my mind. The plugin was very easy to install and configure, as stated in the documentation.
A List Apart
A List Apart, an online magazine devoted to web design, is back with a new design and three new articles. The new design is very pleasant with subtle earthtones.