This morning looks very similar to “last year”:
Author: Elaine
Extended Two Towers
Polytropos likes the Two Towers DVD. It sounds as though the extended version fixes a lot of stuff that was problematic in the theatrical release. I especially disliked the truncating of the Ent themes. (via “Electrolite”:
I took this photo of the Front Range seen through a screen of tree limbs while looking west from my trainer’s deck a few days ago. Our place is a little southeast of the second bump from the right.
I spent most of the weekend installing “Fedora Core”: and then playing with it. Unless FC does something evil to my computer, this should be the last time I do major operating systems stuff with my computer for a while.
Continue reading Fedora
Monsters, Inc
Jack forced me to watch the “Monsters, Inc”: DVD yesterday. (Perhaps forced is a bit strong.) He said I needed a break.
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. In the first ten minutes, I asked Jack how they would be able to stretch the premise to make a feature length film. Then I just relaxed and enjoyed it. It kept me interested through the end, and I have a short attention span for movies.
Sunrise, a few mornings ago.
Very cold today: 1F at six am on the deck, which means that it is probably colder away from the house. The high is supposed to reach the 20s today, but wind chills will make it feel colder.
Recipe Card
This is a scan of the recipe card I mentioned yesterday, per “Anita’s”: request. The rooster and sun were carved by me from clip art. The mesh is from Judi-Kins. Several of us in the swap folded a sheet of cardstock to make our 3×5 inch cards. The top image is the outside, which in the the bottom image has been folded open. The cardstock, which looks almost black in this scan (on my monitor) is a deep green.
Crockpot Arroz con Pollo
I belong to the The Rocky Mountain Inkslingers, a rubber stamping club that meets once a month. This month, we swapped recipe cards, suitably decorated with rubber stamps. For my recipe, I chose Crockpot Arroz Con Pollo, which has become a staple since we first tried the recipe about a year ago. The chicken always turns out well, and the results are fresher tasting than a lot of crockpot recipes, perhaps because the peas are added an hour before serving.
Karen Winters
Karen Winters’ website includes collages, visual journaling, and carving. Her carvings are especially fabulous.
Riding Alone
Now that fall is turning into winter, I am usually alone when I go to the barn to ride. My trainer is in her house, painting her family room, so there is someone on the property, but in the barn Lily and I are alone.
Continue reading Riding Alone