Author: Elaine
Season’s Greetings
Newest ornament
Every year, I try to get one or two new ornaments for the tree. I bought this one at Joann’s a few days ago.
Yesterday I finishing shopping and wrapping presents. Considering that some years I am still wrapping presents on Christmas morning, I am quite pleased to be done so early.
The weather has been mild, and today I will go play with Lily and take a birthday present to a friend. Tomorrow, Christmas Day, we will be going to Jack’s sister’s for dinner.
Late afternoon
Fedora Core Getting Started
John Munsch has written a good article on getting started with the Linux Fedora Core distribution.
Snow patches
A few days after our last snow.
Return of the King
I saw Return of the King yesterday with some friends yesterday and loved it. Usually I hate seeing a film made from a book I love, and I have loved the LotR books since I was twelve. I think Scalzi’s essay on Why The Film is Better than the Book addresses this question better than anything else I have seen.
I may even go see it again with Jack. This is quite an accomplishment for a film since I rarely see more than one or two in an entire year.
Handmade Ornaments
The rubber stamp club to which I belong met at Biaggi’s last night. In addition to great food (I had the risotto special) and fellowship, we had a handcrafted ornament exchange. Here they are.
The ornament in the very back was made using a toddler’s shoe. Someone else made an ice cream cone using a real cone. Altogether, I was impressed by the offerings.
Unfortunately, I didn’t participate because I couldn’t come up with any ideas that I liked. I made several starts, but they didn’t work out.