Water play

On warmish days, Hap likes to play in water. Since it was a nice day, I put him in the horse trailer and took him to my trainer’s today so I could ride him briefly in the arena. She has a visitor’s paddock out front near her arena. Hap must have emptied twenty gallons from the stock tank in ten minutes. On a really hot day, he can empty a stock tank: using his head as a shovel to scoop water on his chest and front legs. I’ve even seen him totally submerge his head and part of his neck in the water.
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Minor changes

This morning, I made some minor changes to my weblog, including a “Squidfingers”:http://www.squidfingers.com/patterns/ inspired background that I created with “The Gimp”:http://www.gimp.org/.


BrowserSpy can tell you all kinds of detailed information about you and your browser. Stuff like the version of your browser. What kind of things it supports and what it doesn’t support. This site shows a lot more than sites I have seen before that tell about the browser and the operating system. (via “J-Walk”:http://j-walkblog.com/blog/)

Cool Tools

I’ve been reading the weblog, Kevin Kelly — Cool Tools, for a while now. The weblog reminds me a lot of the Whole Earth Catalog in its heyday, both in its choice of subject matter and in its tone. One of the items today was a review of a pruning saw. We still have the one I used to carry on trail rides back in Maryland. We rode in heavily wooded areas, and there were always tree branches drooping hazardously over the bridle trails. I used the pruning saw from the back of the remarkably phlegmatic horses.


Yesterday, I helped my trainer move some furniture that is due to go to a charity thrift shop this week. Arnie, her young cat, immediately checked out the displaced arm chair.