
For the past few days, I have been using Gmail. I now have a few invitations.

I think this is a very smart type of viral marketing by the gmail group. What better way to get people to start using your product than restricting initial invitations? Then everyone in the initial group invites their friends, and it becomes cool, and people check it out rather than saying “oh just another webmail application.”

Cute Chicks




For a long time, my horse trainer has wanted to get some pet chickens. Five days ago, she finally did so. Sunny, Cassie, and Martha belong to the breeds Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, and Plymouth Rock respectively. Until they get a little larger, they are living in a brooder in my friend’s garage. However, when she has assistance to guard against hawks, cats and other hazards, they get to scratch in the backyard. They apparently grow while you watch.


We are getting more rain today. You know you have been in a long drought when you keep hearing people in the store say something like “It’s been raining for days…isn’t it great!”

The Address Book

I have been working on setting up an address list for my husband’s family using a PHP program called The Address Book. Jack is the oldest of twelve children, and helps to maintain a website for the family. Currently, I have the application hosted on my local server while we enter the data required for siblings, cousins, and the offspring thereof. After we get it populated, my husband’s hope is that people will then maintain their own data. I don’t think this is very likely, but at least we will have made it available.

Side Effects

I’ve been recovering fairly well from my fall a week ago. Last night, for the first time, I was able to sleep on my left side as well as my right side. Since I am a confirmed side sleeper, and switch back and forth through the night, this is a relief.

The greatest challenge was trying to figure out how to take three types of medication, all of which should be taken with food, without taking all three at the same time. Taking all three at the same time, even with food, upset my stomach. I also ran into another side effect on Saturday, when the muscle relaxant gave me a severe headache. I stopped taking it at that point.

Currently, I am taking the anti-inflammatory twice a day, and one pain killer tablet at night before I go to sleep. Since I continue to improve every day, this seems to be a good approach.

This most recent brush with drug modern medicine reminds me of why I so frequently pursue home care for minor problems. Since I so frequently seem to have side effects with drugs, it seems pointless to go to the doctor and get expensive prescriptions in which the cure seems worse than the disease.